Tag: featured

What Will Happen To The Reformists if Hashemi Rafsanjani Gets Disqualified?
What Will Happen To The Reformists if Hashemi Rafsanjani Gets Disqualified?

Iran Imports Vehicles, Medicines From India to Bypass US-led Oil Sanctions
Iran agreed to source vehicles and medicines from India to bypass sanctions on its oil industry and help New Delhi settle payment for oil imports in rupees, Times of India reported today.

Ayatollah Khamenei: Iran’s Presidential Election Has Become an International Issue
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday that “the upcoming presidential election in the country has become a major international issue.”
“All Think Tanks around the world are monitoring this prominent event and they have specific plans and objectives regarding the Iran election,” he said during a visit with families of Iran-Iraq war martyrs.

Subsidies Are A Hot Election Issue In Iran
September 2010, when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced the first steps of a subsidy targeting plan through the state TV, he never have guessed that in less than 2 years, he would be inundated with censure.

Iran’s Elections: Vote Yes or No, Just Be Sure To Vote
The Iranian leadership has a talent of mobilizing people when it is needed. From the 8-year Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988) when many Iranians under 16 (the legal age of military recruiting), falsified their birth certificates to volunteer in the “Holy Defense”, to the mass support of Iran’s nuclear program and high turnouts in lots of elections, the people’s presence has always emboldened the leadership’s authority in the international arena and increased its bargaining power.

What if Iran’s Next President is a Reformist?
What are the reformists’ plans to solve 10 years of dissent on the nuclear issue? How do they perceive negotiations with the US? Could would-be candidates concur with senior officials in the Islamic Republic and the Supreme Leader? Is Iran’s approach to the US likely to change?

Iran’s Leader Sends Message: Unlimited Support For Syria And Warns Jordan
Following the recent Israeli air strikes on Damascus, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei sent a message of “full and unlimited support” to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, the Lebanese newspaper Al- Akhbar reported on May 8th.