Better to Die Standing: The Legacy of Hassan Nasrallah’s Resistance

Better to Die Standing: The Legacy of Hassan Nasrallah’s Resistance

Last week, Lebanon lost an iconic leader, Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, martyred in an Israeli terrorist attack. His legacy, however, will endure for generations. Nasrallah was the man who led an 18-year struggle to end Israel’s occupation of Lebanon, becoming a symbol of resistance and freedom.

Born in 1960 to a modest family in southern Beirut, Nasrallah dedicated his life to defending the marginalized Shia community and the oppressed throughout the region.

Following Israel’s invasion and occupation of southern Lebanon in 1982, he joined Hezbollah, quickly rising through the ranks to lead the movement. Under his leadership, Hezbollah successfully forced Israel’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 2000, bringing nearly two decades of occupation to an end.

Nasrallah’s fight for justice extended far beyond Lebanon. He stood in solidarity with the oppressed, notably during the Syrian War, and, most recently, in October 2023, he supported the Palestinian people in their ongoing struggle.

The recent Israeli attack, which killed hundreds of civilians, was not only a violation of international law but also a direct assault on a beloved leader and an enduring symbol of resistance. Today, we honor the martyrdom of Hassan Nasrallah, a man whose bravery and sacrifice will forever be remembered.

If you haven’t yet watched Julian Assange’s 2012 interview with Hassan Nasrallah, it is a conversation worth revisiting, especially in light of recent events.

In the interview, Nasrallah articulated his vision for a democratic one-state solution, where Jews, Muslims, Christians, and others could coexist on equal terms, enjoying the same rights, freedoms, and justice.

Nasrallah’s overarching goal was to protect the people of Lebanon and Palestine from the expansionist and apartheid policies of Zionist colonialism. His leadership in Hezbollah was pivotal in resisting Israeli aggression, and he remains the only leader in the Islamic world to have successfully forced Israel to withdraw from its illegal occupation of southern Lebanon in 2000.

Regardless of one’s personal views of Nasrallah, he embodied the spirit of resistance, exemplifying the belief that “It is better to die standing than to live on your knees.”

His legacy, marked by his commitment to justice and national sovereignty, continues to influence debates on the Middle East today.

Mojtaba Mousavi

Mojtaba Mousavi is Founder and Editor of

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