Tag: Mohmmad Reza Aref

How Iranian Reformists’ Victory Can Turn Into Defeat?
the fact that Reformists could gain such a major support from the people is an undeniable reality for the political power sphere of the Islamic Republic and on the other hand this victory poses, at the same time, an opportunity and a threat for the winning Reformists.

Iran’s Reformist Presidential Candidate Urged Depoliticization of the Society
Mohammad Reza Aref, the reformist presidential candidate who withdrew from the race in favor of the now president-elect Hassan Rowhani talked to reporters today, urging that the problems should be solved in a friendly atmosphere.

Iran Updates: Khatami Thanked The Supreme Leader, Rowhani Vowed To Empower The Islamic Republic
Iran Updates: Khatami Thanked The Supreme Leader, Rowhani Vowed To Empower The Islamic Republic

Rowhani Meets Hashemi Rafsanjani, Aref willing to cooperate
Rohani Meets Hashemi, Aref willing to cooperate

Don’t Expect Drastic Changes From Rowhani
Hassan Rowhani held his first press conference since being elected as Iran’s new president and answered questions from Iranian and international reporters regarding his proposed policies on internal and foreign affairs.
On Monday his answers were surprising for all observers.

How Did The Fundementalist Rowhani Become The Reformists’ Ultimate Candidate?
The most important question now is this: what happened that a non-reformist candidate is introduced as the reformist’s ultimate candidate? The most significant analysis points to a political bargain between Hashemi and Khatami to whose opinions Aref and Rowhani are faithful.

In Photos: Supporters of Iranian Presidential Candidates Street Campaigning
Iranians will cast their votes in the presidential election on Friday June 14th. Since the 2009 Post-election protests turned into riots, many observers suggested a sharp decline in the people’s participation in subsequent presidential elections but now, after four years Iran is witnessing a warm race between Reformist, Principalist and independent presidential candidates. A run-off round is expected as none of six remaining candidates are likely to gain 50% of ballots in polls.