Tag: Majlis

How Iranian Reformists’ Victory Can Turn Into Defeat?
the fact that Reformists could gain such a major support from the people is an undeniable reality for the political power sphere of the Islamic Republic and on the other hand this victory poses, at the same time, an opportunity and a threat for the winning Reformists.

Iranian Nuclear Talks Suggest Progress
On the First day of the latest round of Iran and P5+1 ( Iran and the USA, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany) nuclear talks in Geneva there was hope brought by international observers for a breakthrough in the decade long nuclear negotiations.

Morsi’s Overthrow The Result Of Depending On The USA
Following the removal of Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi from power, an Iranian senior lawmaker reiterated that the ‘improper behavior of the Muslims Brotherhood’ was the key reason of recent events in Egypt.

Iran Remembers Victims of U.S. Navy Shootdown of Civilian Airliner
Today Is The Anniversary Of The US Killing Of 290 Civilians On An Iranian Airliner

Iran MP Urged The President Elect To Positively Interact With The Parliament
Iran MP Urged The President Elect To Positively Interact With The Parliament

Iran MP Warns of Turkey Following Syria If It Does Not Change Path
Haghighat-Poor suggested to Erdogan “try to solve the domestic issues and welfare problems” by ending “support for the Syrian armed opposition”.
“If the Turkish government doesn’t correct its mistakes and instead continues in its current policies, more opposition will emerge and Turkey will follow the pattern that Syria has,” he warned.

Iran Warns Qatar Against Its ‘Destructive Role’ in The Region
Iran Warns Qatar Against Its ‘Destructive Role’ in The Region