Tag: Guardian Council

Iran’s Guardian Council Hinted at Hashemi Rafsanjani’s Disapproval
The statement of Kadkhodaei could be a warning for the 78 year old two-term former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani whom his old age has been the target of criticism by his rivals and authorities.

Jalili: Amputee Candidate Becoming Frontrunner in Presidential Race
Iranian people don’t have a negative memory of him, because he was never involved in domestic politics. While Hashemi’s past is filled with failures (of course along with successes) and this can be a winner for Jalili, as it was for Ahmadinejad in 2005 when his opponent was Hashemi.

Latest on Iran Election: 7-8 Candidate Will Be Qualified; MPs Urged Rejection of Rafsanjani
Latest on Iran Election: 7-8 Candidate Will Be Qualified; MPs Urged Rejection of Rafsanjani

Iran’s Government Spokesman Complicates Ahmadinejad’s Election Plan
Iran’s government spokesman, Gholam Hossein Elham is to run for president, Mohammad Rahmani an aide to Elham told Iran’sView on Thursday.
“Given to the increased requests from the youths and revolutionary people, Dr. Elham is to register in the presidential election,” he said.

Ahmadinejad’s Plans for the Presidential Election
Iran’s coming Election is facing a new political controversy, not from the opposition or the “Reformists”, but from a party within the current Iranian Administration.

Iran’s Leader Advises on The Presidential Elections, Criticizes Ahmadinejad’s Volatile Economy
Iran’s Leader Advises on The Presidential Elections, Critiques Ahmadinejad’s Volatile Economy on an Speech ahead of the Labors’ Day.