Tag: featured

Iran’s Deputy Nuclear Negotiator Reviews Past Mistakes in Negotiations
“In the past we did not have real negotiations and our national interest and security was damaged. We accepted a false term of ‘suspension’ and then our nuclear file was referred to the UN Security Council.”

Iran’s FM: We Will Not Let Syria Falls Into the Hands of Israel or US
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi reaffirmed Tehran’s support from Syria in a meeting with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad on Tuesday.
“It’s time to stop Zionist regime aggressions against the people of the region,” Salehi said Assad on recent Israeli air strike on Syria.“We’re on your side and will not let Syria fall into the hands of Israel or U.S. or Takfiris,” he added.

In Photos: Iran’s Presidential Election Candidates Registration
Candidates in Iran should register beforehand. Registration process started today and will last 5 days. There’s a high possibility of extending the time limit. After registrations, it is common that candidates talk about the common issues surrounding each of them.

Iran Weathers The Not So Crippling Sanctions Storm
This year at the UN General Assembly Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened Iran with a military attack to prevent Iran from becoming what he calls a nuclear state. This is nothing new to Iran. 34 years after Iran’s revolution the country is constantly facing threats and the recently hyped nuclear issue is just such a pretext. Because even when Iran’s nuclear program was halted, threats kept on coming as we saw in the Iran-Iraq war which lasted 8 years.

Ahmadinejad’s Plans for the Presidential Election
Iran’s coming Election is facing a new political controversy, not from the opposition or the “Reformists”, but from a party within the current Iranian Administration.

Iran’s Leader Advises on The Presidential Elections, Criticizes Ahmadinejad’s Volatile Economy
Iran’s Leader Advises on The Presidential Elections, Critiques Ahmadinejad’s Volatile Economy on an Speech ahead of the Labors’ Day.

Iran’s Elections 2013: The Reformists are Playing Ball
Six months after the 10th Presidential Election, the dust had settled and Tehran was calm after a period of unrest. The opposition didn’t reach their goal to cancel the election. It was clear that Iran’s 11th Presidential Election will be a significant one.