Tag: Ayatollah Khamenei

Israeli- Palestinian Conflict: Iran Offers a Practical, Democratic Solution
Iran Offers a Practical, Democratic Solution to the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict

Iran, US and Clash of Values’ Dilemma
By: Sonia Mansour Robaey * 1. Values and the West’s double standards approach to ethical pluralism. Ethical pluralism is focused on individual preferences in modern pluralistic…

Terrorism is Common Worry for Muslims and West, Says Iran Leader
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei says the bitter events brought about by blind terrorism in France have once again, moved him to write his second open…

Interview: Joseph Nye on Iran and the End of American Exceptionalism
Professor Joseph Samuel Nye Jr. is the former Dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He currently serves on the…

Iran N.Deal, Future of Islam and A.Khamenei’s Letter to Western Youth
If you followed the nuclear deal and you didn’t pay attention to ‘Letter for you’, then you didn’t understand the most important thing about the deal: a dialogue of civilizations on the basis of mutual respect and dignity against the new barbarisms that threaten Islam.

Iran Leader Reached out for Western Youth Through Rare Open Letter
Iran’s View has launched a campaign calling European and North American youth to post their responses to the Supreme Leader’s letter.
A select number of the replies will be communicated with Leader’s office.

REPEAT:: Why Iran’s Leader Gives Rowhani Nuclear Free Hand?
The Leader would be happy see that his strategic decision has helped the administration manage to fulfill its promises and receive a palatable feedback from foreigners. However, if the government fails to get the desired response from the West by being more flexible, the Leader’s warnings and pessimism against the US and enemies will be well substantiated.