On July 3, 1988, at the end of the Iran–Iraq War, an Iran Air Airbus A300B2-203 flying from Bandar Abbas, Iran to Dubai, United Arab Emirates was shot down by U.S. missiles fired by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes. The aircraft was flying in Iranian airspace over Iran’s territorial waters in the Persian Gulf on its usual flight path. All 290 people on board, including 66 children and 16 crew, were killed.
The United States government initially claimed that the aircraft had been mistaken for an Iranian F-14 fighter jet. However, later investigations revealed that the aircraft was clearly identified as a civilian airliner. The United States government apologized for the incident, but refused to pay compensation to the families of the victims.
The shooting down of Iran Air Flight 655 was a major diplomatic incident and a major tragedy. It remains a source of anger and resentment in Iran.
Ranking seventh among the deadliest disasters in aviation history, the incident retains the highest death toll of any aviation incident in the Indian Ocean and the highest death toll of any incident involving an Airbus A300 anywhere in the world.

The Vincennes had entered Iranian territorial waters after one of its helicopters drew warning fire from Iranian speedboats operating within Iranian territorial limits.
The Aircraft approached and was on course for the Aegis Guided Missile Cruiser. The Aircraft also had a transponder / IFF from a fighter jet installed on it. The Aircraft was loaded with Cadavers. You are talking about these guys sent wave after wave of unarmed civilians at the Iraqis During the war. US Navy shot down an Aircraft that was a threat to their vessel.You rush a CG with an aircraft most likely it wont end well. Most importantly..Who in there right mind would authorize a civilian aircraft clearance to fly directly into a hot zone?
Rob wrote:
“Why are they all naked? We all came to the same conclusion immediately. It was a flight full of cadavers.”
Naturally. Iran Air is known for filling their passenger planes up with dead bodies before taking off to Dubai.
To anyone (else than Bob) thinking this sounds too stupid, and wanting to find out whether it is common that air crash victims is found nude, may I suggest googling for “air crash victims naked”, and see if this is a common phenomenon.
I remember when this happened. I was in the USAF. I remember being in the office and looking at a news magazine, be it Time or Newsweek, and seeing the pictures. Roughly a dozen of us in the office, all said the same thing at the same time. Why are they all naked?
We all came to the same conclusion immediately. It was a flight full of cadavers. There were dead bodies on that flight. Clothing does not get ripped off you when falling from 7,000 feet. I’ve seen pilots eject from fighter jets, Ive jumped from aircraft, NEVER has any clothing been ripped from a body. ABSURD!
There was an immediate cover up. Media was silenced too. I never heard one question about the naked bodies. For several weeks it bothered us in the office I worked in. We knew the reason. Iran attacked us, or tried, but out government didn’t want to respond. Kudos for not getting drawn into a war. But dammit at least TELL THE TRUTH.
I’m sorry, I don’t agree with you, at all.
No apology? Really, that was/is a sorry ass excuse for shooting down an unarmed airplane holding passengers who were too young to even spell WAR! Where’s the Integrity
in our Country? I love my Country, and I wish we’d just mind our own business and help others, instead of trying to hold on to our Greedy Status!!
Crash victims have been found naked. When I was in my accident I literally burst out of my clothing.
The force of hitting the water will make them literally burst. I’m sure most of the people were skin blankets for the most part. Don’t be stupid it’s much more realistic that trigger happy Americans shot this passenger plane down. There’s film of it you can watch the dumb caption punch in the missile access code 27 times before he gets it right. Then they praise themselves and pat each other on the back while innocent people die.
…and we always thought that the U$A was perfect. They never teach about things like this in school.
so so sad. that kid never grew up…sooo many losses. ;[
Remember when the US apologized? Me neither.
In 1990 I was the attorney for most of the passengers families for the 220 from around the world who were killed in the international fight of the
Airbus. The international flight was in the middle of an airway and under air route traffic control, reporting regularly and still in Iranian waters when it was shot down. One rocket hit the body of the airbus, the other a wing. The reason the photos show naked bodies is that the air in the fall from seven thousand feet tore off their clothes, before they died when they hit the water. The U.S. story was that the airbus was coming right at them and attacking the Cruiser, It was coming directly toward the Cruiser because it was also in the center of an international airway. The crew had no idea they were in an airway, untrained and on a new ship. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the families of the dead passengers could not sue the U.S. because Iran, owner of the airplane, and the U.S. were at war. Neither country knew they were at war until so informed by the U.S. Supreme court. The Cruiser, believe it or not did not have a radio to listen to air route traffic. Not one radio to tune civilian airway radio. I’m also a former Navy officer, and it was an bad day for the Navy. The U.S. should have said we are sorry and paid damages.The consequence is continuing hostility with Iran, today. Iranians believe that the airliner was shot down intentionally to threaten Iran to sign a piece treaty with Iraq, which the U.S. was defending at the time, supporting Saddam Huissen. The U.S. wanted to en the war, which Saddam was losing and Iranians today believe that it was a threat of what U.S would do to Iran if they did not sign the treaty That is why, today, Iran wants atomic weapons to protect itself from the U.S. No one in the U.S. knows this story. Not public knowledge. I’ve written a book–Bruce and Mohammad but no interest and not published. Bruce Bailey.
iran never want atomic weapons and never look after it and never need that
your government have it and is only country use that for your stupid reason’s
I think it is time to shut the US down. Along with all their alphabet agencies, CIA, FBI, NSA, NORAD, NRO, Pentagon. Their exploitative multinationals ExxonMobil, GE etc… Their military industrial complex Lockheed, Northrop, McDonnell, SAIC. Their “think tanks” Rand, CFR, Trilateral, Hoover, Carnegie, Rockefeller. And put all these people on a spaceship aimed towards the core of the sun.
Bless them all, may they rest in peace.