Category: Interviews

Iran advised N.Korea, ‘increasing tension is not in anyone’s interest’
In an exclusive interview with Iran’sView, Mohammadi said in reaction to increasing economic problems and provocations from the U.S., North Korea is pursuing a strategy of ‘walking on the edge’ to have the U.S ease its pressures against the country.

Marandi: Iran Has No Option But to Push Back Against Western Hegemony
In an interview with Iran’sView, Marandi discussed several issues including Iran’s nuclear program, the sanctions, and America’s offer for direct talks with Iran.

Son of an Israeli General: ‘Peace can only come without a Jewish state’
Born in 1961 in Jerusalem and to a father who served as a prominent general in the Israeli army during the Six-Day-War, Miko Peled is a Peace activist and an advocate for Palestinians’ rights. The author of “The General’s Son, Journey of an Israeli in Palestine,” has openly criticized the apartheid Israeli regime everywhere in his speeches and called for coming down of the Separation Wall and establishing a democracy in the Palestinian land.