Category: Iran Blog

Iran’s Government Spokesman Complicates Ahmadinejad’s Election Plan
Iran’s government spokesman, Gholam Hossein Elham is to run for president, Mohammad Rahmani an aide to Elham told Iran’sView on Thursday.
“Given to the increased requests from the youths and revolutionary people, Dr. Elham is to register in the presidential election,” he said.

Mashaee Will Run For President
Bahman Sharifzade a cleric close close to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s top aide, Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaee, said Mahaee will register for presidential election on Saturday which is last day of Candidate registration for the presidential election.

Aboutorabi-Fard Was Chosen as Candidate of the Coalition of Five
Aboutorabi-Fard Was Chosen as Candidate of the Coalition of Five

توافق هستهای در سوئیس: انتقادها و پاسخها!
ایران و 5+1، سیزدهم فروردین ماه 94 بعد از بیش از یک هفته مذاکرات فشرده، بیانیه مشترکی را در لوزان سوئیس منتشر کردند تا چارچوب…